Our fresh air intake system uses outside air to convey scrap and trim to avoid the loss of conditioned air. The result is a balanced air environment that is more economical to operate and more comfortable for employees. Fresh air intake systems can also eliminate the need for a dust collector, along with the associated expenses of air quality permits and fire and explosion suppression systems. Additional savings may be available from your utility company through Energy Conservation Measures programs (ECMs), so check with your supplier for availability.

Fresh Air
Enhance the performance of your pneumatic air conveyance system with an efficient, economical fresh air intake system from AES. Traditional air conveying systems rob manufacturing plants of conditioned air, increasing overall heating and cooling costs. This can create a negative pressure effect inside the building, making doors difficult to open.

Fresh Air Intake Benefits
Fresh air intake systems are economical to buy and to operate. They are versatile and adaptable, working to reduce heating and cooling bills, eliminate negative pressure problems in plants, and the need for air exchangers. A fresh air system may eliminate the need for dust collectors and associated explosion venting and air quality permits. Die cutters, finishing lines, and shredders can all be integrated with a fresh air system. Talk to AES about how a fresh air intake system may benefit your operations.